Click each step to see the action, click the picture or use the arrow keys

  • 1.

    Tap letters to enter text

  • 2.

    Tap the Space Bar to enter a space

  • 3.

    Tap the Shift key to enter an uppercase letter

  • 4.

    Double-tap the Shift key to turn caps-lock on and off

  • 5.

    Tap and hold on a letter to view alternative characters for that key

  • 6.

    Without lifting your finger from the screen, drag over the character you wish to use and then let go

  • 7.

    To enter numbers and symbols, tap 123Sym

  • 8.

    Tap 1/3 to access additional symbols

  • 9.

    Tap 2/3 to access emoticons

  • 10.

    Tap ABC to return to letters