Click each step to see the action, click the picture or use the arrow keys

  • 1.

    From the Home screen, tap Apps

  • 2.

    Tap Widgets

  • 3.

    Swipe left and right to locate the widget you wish to add

  • 4.

    Tap and hold the widget you wish to add

  • 5.

    Locate the screen you wish to add the widget to by dragging it to either the right or left of the screen and holding until the desired screen is displayed

  • 6.

    Release the widget

  • 7.

    Tap the screen to place the widget

  • 8.

    To move a widget, tap and hold on it

  • 9.

    Drag it to its desired location and then let go

  • 10.

    Tap the screen to place the widget

  • 11.

    Certain widgets can be resized, to resize a widget tap and hold on it

  • 12.

    Drag the orange box to the desired size and then tap the screen to confirm

  • 13.

    To delete a widget, tap and hold on it

  • 14.

    Drag it over Delete and then let go