Click each step to see the action, click the picture or use the arrow keys

  • 1.

    Swipe the Edge Panel towards the centre of the screen

  • 2.

    Swipe left until the App Edge screen is displayed

  • 3.

    Tap an app to open it

  • 4.

    To add and app, tap one of the + icons

  • 5.

    Tap the apps you would like to add

  • 6.

    You can create a pair of apps that will open together in split screen mode. To do this, tap Create App Pair

  • 7.

    Tap the first app you would like to add

  • 8.

    Tap the second app

  • 9.

    Tap Done

  • 10.

    To open an app pair, swipe the Edge Panel towards the centre of the screen

  • 11.

    Swipe left until the App Edge screen is displayed

  • 12.

    Tap the app pair

  • 13.

    The two apps will open in split screen mode