Click each step to see the action, click the picture or use the arrow keys

  • 1.

    Swipe down from the top of the screen

  • 2.

    Tap the Settings icon

  • 3.

    Tap Display

  • 4.

    Tap Full Screen Apps

  • 5.

    Any app whose status switch is greyed out is an app that is already optimized to run in full screen

  • 6.

    Any app whose status switch is turned on is one that has been designed to run in full screen mode but has not been optimized for it. You can turn full screen mode off for these apps by tapping the status switch

  • 7.

    Any app whose status switch is turned off is one that may not work properly in full screen mode and will have black bars at the top and bottom of the screen. You can turn full screen mode on for these apps by tapping the status switch