Click each step to see the action, click the picture or use the arrow keys

  • 1. To quickly switch between apps, tap the Recent Apps Key
  • 2. Tap an app to open it
  • 3. Swipe down to view more apps
  • 4. To close an app, tap the X
  • 5. To close all apps, tap Close App
  • 6. To view a list of all currently running apps, swipe down from the top of the screen
  • 7. Tap the Settings icon
  • 8. Scroll down and tap Applications
  • 9. Tap Application Manager
  • 10. Swipe the screen left until you reach the Running tab
  • 11. A list of all currently running apps, as well as how long they’ve been running will be displayed
  • 12. If you need to force stop an app, tap the app
  • 13. Tap Stop. Stopping an app may cause it to fail or for data to be deleted. Some apps will have multiple processes that may need to be stopped