Click each step to see the action, click the picture or use the arrow keys

  • Bixby is a voice assistant that enables you to perform tasks and commands using your voice

  • 1.

    Press the and hold the Bixby/Lock Key

  • 2.

    Tap the arrow

  • 3.

    Tap I have read and agree to all of the above

  • 4.

    Tap the arrow

  • 5.

    Tap the check mark

  • 6.

    Follow to instructions to register your voice

  • 7.

    Tap the check mark

  • 8.

    To use Bixby, say Hi, Bixby or press and hold the Bixby/Lock Key

  • 9.

    Say your command, for example What’s the weather today?

  • 10.

    Your command will be carried out