Click each step to see the action, click the picture or use the arrow keys

  • Note: Smart Actions are a set of rules you can instruct your phone to follow to automate certain actions
  • 1. From the home screen, tap the Application Launcher
  • 2. Swipe left until you reach the screen containing Smart Actions
  • 3. Tap Smart Actions
  • 4. If you would like to view a tutorial on Smart Actions, tap Learn More. Otherwise tap Get Started
  • 5. There are a number of customizable sample rules. Tap on one to open it. In this example, we will select Sleep Rule which adjusts your ringer at night
  • 6. Tap the status switch beside the rule's name to activate it
  • 7. There will be a number of bars under Trigger. These are the parameters under which the action will be activated. Any bar attached to the left side is currently active. Any bar that is detached is inactive. In this example, Timeframe, which are the times during which the ringer will be silenced, is active. Tap on it to customize it
  • 8. There are a number of preset timeframes. Tap on one to use it and then tap Done
  • 9. You can include additional triggers such as location by tapping on it and configuring it in a similar fashion
  • 10. Scroll down to Actions. These are the actions that will be put in place when the trigger conditions are met. You can add and customize these in the same way as the triggers
  • 11. Once you have configured your smart action, tap Save. The smart action is active and will be implemented the next time the trigger conditions are met

    Note: You can create your own Smart Action from scratch by tapping Custom
  • 12. The next time you launch Smart Actions, only the actions you have created will be visible. To add more, tap the + icon
  • 13. To edit a Smart Action, tap on it
  • 14. To delete a Smart Action, tap and hold on it
  • 15. Tap Delete