Click each step to see the action, click the picture or use the arrow keys

  • Note: You will need to install Android File Transfer on your Mac. Visit for instructions on how to download and install the application. If your photos and videos are saved in Dropbox or SkyDrive, they will be automatically synced between your phone and your Mac.
  • 1. Attach a USB cable to your phone and to a free USB port on your Mac
  • 2. Tap Media Sync (MTP)
  • 3. On your Mac, open Android File Transfer
  • 4. Open the DCIM folder

    Note: If your photo's are saved on your phone's Memory Card, click SD Card and then select DCIM
  • 5. Open the Camera folder
  • 6. Select the photos and videos you wish to transfer
  • 7. Drag the files in to the desired folder on your Mac
  • 8. Detach the cable from your phone