Click each step to see the action, click the picture or use the arrow keys

  • 1. From the home screen, tap Settings
  • 2. Tap General
  • 3. Scroll down and tap Smart Doctor
  • 4. Tap I Agree
  • 5. Tap OK
  • 6. Smart Doctor will display information about how your phone’s storage and memory are being used. To view more details about storage or memory, tap on them. In this example, we will select Memory
  • 7. A list of apps and the amount of RAM and the percentage of the CPU they are using will be listed
  • 8. If you need to stop an app, tap Stop
  • 9. Tap the Back Key
  • 10. If you would like to optimize the phone’s memory and storage, tap Optimize Phone
  • 11. Tap Optimize. This will delete app caches and any temporary files