Click each step to see the action, click the picture or use the arrow keys

  • 1. From the Start screen, swipe the screen to the left
  • 2. Scroll down and tap Settings
  • 3. Scroll down and tap Date + Time
  • 4. By default the date and time will be set automatically by the network. To turn manually change the date and time, tap the status switch under Set Automatically
  • 5. Tap Date
  • 6. Tap the month
  • 7. Swipe up or down to select the month
  • 8. Repeat this for day and the year and then tap the Check icon
  • 9. Tap Time
  • 10. Tap the hour
  • 11. Swipe up or down to change the hour
  • 12. Repeat this for the minutes and AM/PM and then tap the Check icon