Click each step to see the action, click the picture or use the arrow keys

  • 1.

    Swipe down from the top of the screen with two fingers

  • 2.

    Any icon that is black is currently active

  • 3.

    Any icon that is grey is currently inactive

  • 4.

    Tap an icon to turn a feature on or off

  • 5.

    Some features have an arrow beside their name. Tap this to view options for that feature

  • 6.

    Tap and hold on an icon to open the settings page for the feature

  • 7.

    To change the visible icons, tap the Edit icon

  • 8.

    To remove an icon, tap and hold on it

  • 9.

    Drag it over Drag here to remove and then lift your finger

  • 10.

    To add an icon, tap and hold on it

  • 11.

    Drag it into the top section and then lift your finger

  • 12.

    Tap the arrow beside Edit to save your changes